Creative Artist, A Dad, A Husband, A Christ Follower.
About Me "Evee"

Evee Salazar
Born in 1981 in the town of Tecuescontitlan Guerrero, Mexico.
I came to the US in 1985, and at four years old, I remember vividly how we came to this country and when I say we, I am referring to my older sister and me. I had a younger brother already living in the states, and a new sister was born recently in December of 84.
My life changed for the better, and a new adventure began. However, our stay in the US wasn’t long. In November of ’87, we headed back to Mexico and lived there for about a year and a half. My parents began building a house but were running out of money, so they decided to come back to the states alone to make some money to finish the house. However, plans changed, and they decided to bring us to the states, my parents decided to stay here, and we’ve been living here since then. The house in Mexico was finished years later.
Since then, many wonderful experiences occurred that it would take forever to tell the story, but I had an incredible time.
Today I am happily married to my wife Celi, and we have a daughter whom the Lord blessed us with. I also own a marketing agency the Lord has blessed, and with his guidance, I am confident the business will flourish.
AA in Science and Technology | Visual Communications in Graphic Design and Multi-Media
Career Higlights
Venus Marketing Digital Group was stared in November 12, 2024 when a team of entrepreneurs met to create something incredible, a marketing agency that would tap the beauty industry to help those upcoming female owners who recently started their business get their marketing foundation right from the start. Director of Marketing 2020 – Present As the marketing director my role is to provide strategies to generate opportunities through various platforms or methods. Email marketing is one of them where I make sure a weekly campaign goes and the email piece is distributed through all available social media channels. Founder | Project Director 2013-Present An online marketing solution agency that offers the proper bloqs to developed healthy online marketing strategies and implementation for businesses of any industry. Owner | Designer Engineer 2006 – Present A Designing agency that provides high-end graphic design for print and web. The companies specialty lies in creating graphics to bring awareness to a product or a service. Other designs include UI design, Renditions/Mockups and Branding. Designer Engineer 2014-2017 An promotional apparel e-commerce company that provides embroidery and print on apparel products. As designer engineer, my role was to assist the sales department put together demos of particular products clients planned to purchase with a print or embroidered logo. Designer Engineer 2008 – 2013 A designer engineer whose main role was to design product sell sheets (Brochures) each page was designed based on the model and style of the interior. However, to make things easier a generic style was produced to release net kits. When a new kit was released, what followed was designing an email campaign, to notify all of the clients a new vehicle interior is now available. Thus generating more business. Therefore my role was to bring product awareness through design. Part of this role was to take photos of before and after of each seat, this way we had more control on the final product.
Venus MDG
MCapital Holdings LLC
Bloq Marketing
Ae Graphic Elements
AllStar Logo