The world lives in a fantasy covered by darkness. By default, we all come into this realm in a fallen condition. The minute we are born, we begin to move in a dark world, and everything we encounter either hurts us or makes us happy, both of which are temporary. The temporary life we possess begins to live a life based on what the world presents us.


The friends we encounter along the way become a temporal engagement. Eventually, each will grow up and will have ideas based on ideas that were already for the taking, some bad and some good. We know very well that life gives us choices to make, and we know  the majority will make bad choices and not because they wanted but because they lack understating. And eventually, they fall into a trap, and that trap is life revolving in a wheel.


Because we live in a condition that is fallen, our flesh seeks the pleasures of darkness, and it gets temporal satisfaction. However, there comes a time when living in darkness becomes questioned, “why do I continue to live this way or that way?” and when that comes into one’s life, it is a spark of light that comes into the window of darkness. Eventually, the small light becomes brighter and brighter, that one begins to desperately find a way to get out of the dark world that only brought pain and suffering. The chaotic world becomes so unbearable, the only thing in mind is to find a way out.


When this happens, the end of a dark life begins to loosen it’s strength, and by persisting for that change, it eventually gets lid up by the light of life. So what do I mean by this? it is quite simple, it is difficult for the ignorant to understand this light, even I was unaware about this light before. But eventually, I was allowed to know this light and because of that, my path was lit up and I was able to see clearly (Read>> My Path He Lit Up). Now I see the world I was living in was full of despair, full of lies and it was the road to eternal suffering. Those that have gone to the afterlife without the light in their hearts, will no longer see life and will no longer see their loves ones, because they chose to live a life of darkness and the ones living will never see the ones that past away, ever!


The truth is that, few of the many living in darkness will come to that light. God leads them to the light, which is Jesus Christ.